What is Grappa ?
Grappa is unique, in being obtained from the distillation of a solid raw material: the marc, i.e. the skins of grapes remaining after the grapes are pressed to make wine. It's true recycling.
Distillation of the marc produces a fragrant grape brandy.

Mainly two types of marc are sent to a distillery: fermented and non-fermented (virgin). The former has an alcoholic content because it has fermented with grape must, whereas the latter is nearly always white and, save for rare exceptions, not fermented with the grape must. Therefore it's up to the distiller to ferment it in the most suitable way before distilling.

Here at Hawke's Bay Spirits we use the marc that has been fermented at the wineries, as seen in the picture below.
Fermentation is very important because it is the process by which an organic substance (usually sugar) is converted into alcohol by single-cell micro-organisms: the yeasts. To create a distillate (Grappa, Cognac or Whisky, etc.) it is always necessary to start with a substance already containing alcohol.